I know you are very much familiar about Alexa, after all, we all love to see Alexa rank each and everyday right? Do you know that by using Alexa, you can check any website traffic for free? Yes, it is possible to find any website traffic using Alexa search box.
You need to go to Alexa.com website and enter a website address in the Search Box available. After entering website address, you will get important metrics like Alexa Traffic rank (Global), Traffic Rank in Specific demographics like for India specific website, Alexa Traffic Rank in India. Apart from Alexa rank, you will see other website traffic numbers like page views, page views per user, bounce rate, time on site and search percentage.
You will also get list of top search queries for a website. So these search queries can be considered as best performing keywords for that website. Apart from this, you can use Alexa.com website to compare your website traffic graph with 4 websites of your choice. Alexa.com will not give any traffic estimates for new or websites with few daily visits.
The data available from Alexa.com is not accurate but you can make your own prediction about the traffic numbers about a website after using this tool. Alexa take into consideration only those users who have installed Alexa Toolbar in their browsers. So Alexa will no give you traffic details anyway close to a website actual traffic numbers. But still lots of advertisers and industry experts us it as a tool to make prediction about the popularity of a website.